The Problem

From the Government of Canada website:

Registered charities are provided federal, as well as provincial or territorial, supports under the tax system that includes an exemption from income tax and the ability to issue official donation receipts for any gifts that they receive. In return, all registered charities are expected to follow the rules and principles set out in the Income Tax Act to ensure that they are operating for charitable purposes and providing activities for the benefit of the public.

Concerns have been raised that some registered charities that offer reproductive health services to women, including pregnancy options counselling, may be spreading misinformation by presenting themselves as neutral, full-service pregnancy support service organizations when they are in fact anti-choice organizations that push women away from accessing the reproductive care of their choice.

Read the full Backgrounder at

This website is not affiliated with the Abortion Rights Coalition of Canada (ARCC) nor any other organization, government or otherwise. It simply aims to provide searchable information about anti-choice organizations and uses the publicly available data from this document: